The song in their voices broke open like two halves of a coconut.
we drank from their nectar these tunes
that only made us remember everything we lost
the home we didn't have permission to return to
the family that waited so patiently with aching hearts
still, we drank deep
formed a new meaning for this thirst only their music could quench
to build a river we can swim through or inevitably drown
so here we are
children of a waiting game we are not willing to lose
so we mother ourselves on how to live
school our demons to that song
and sing ourselves another lullaby brave enough to permit our leaving
even if it sounds like something being broken
now? we cannot drown
now? the waves become drum beats
slapping us back as we run to safety
all the while knowing
we cannot hide from a tsunami of our own making but we try
to swim
to float
to live life… lifelessly
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